Sunday, October 7, 2007

Go, Hogan, Go!

You know how Forrest Gump just ran and ran and had nowhere to go but he still kept running? Well, now imagine a dog paddling on and on with nowhere to go and you will be imagining our Hogan. Everytime Matt and I give Hogan a bath, we always crack up so we figured we'd record it and put it up for you guys to laugh at. It never gets old. There doesn't have to be any water but once you bring Hogan anywhere near the bathtub, he starts paddling his feet. (Can you hear Mya in the background crying? She is having a fit because we are paying attention to Hogan and not her). Enjoy!


Shannon said...


Shannon said...

Oh, and at least your dog does that. Mine used to freak out beyond words anytime he was near a bathtub or even a sink, water or no water. He HATED water. LOL. Point a hair dryer at him (on or off) and it turned into the devil and he freaked out and ran away like you were pointing a gun at him. Does Mya do anything like that or just go crazy when you're paying attention to Hogan and not her. LOL. Classic Eunice!

Jason said...

Hogan knows best!

Lynn and Chad said...

that's so funny! Hogan is so cute!