UGGS. Since we are on the subject of comfy shoes let me tell you about UGGS. I love them! I
know, I know. They are ugly…hence the name UGGS but believe me when I tell you that these magic shoes are the best thing you will ever wear on your feet. When you wear them, it feels like you are walking on marshmallows (minus the gooiness that walking on marshmallows would obviously result in). About the only thing that I love about the winter is the fact that I get to wear my UGGS. My feet feel so warm and cozy. I even wear them around the house. I own the black ones and the brown ones. They can be pricey but Last Chance usually carries them and I’ve been able to get both of my pairs for around $40 (Yes, they carry the $150-$200 UGGS for only $40!).
Freaks and Geeks. Lately, I’ve been on an Apatowian Kick so with the writer’s strike going
on, Matt and I have been Netflixing old tv shows that we never got around to watching and one of those shows is F&G. (Have I mentioned how much I love Netflix? Oh, I have? Well, I LOVE IT!) This show is great and I can’t believe we didn’t watch it back when it came out. An extra bonus of watching this series is seeing all the people that Judd has in all his movies back when they were first starting out. F&G has a lot of what I like in my comedies: No laugh-track and lots of cringe-worthy moments. Also, you will fall in love with the wonder that is Bill Haverchuck. Just watch it and you will know what I mean. Oh, and if you get this then you can hear Matt’s Sam Wier impersonation. He has it down packed. There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t ask Matt to do a Sam Wier. Now if only he could learn how to do a Haverchuck impression…
Video iPod. Matt gave me mine for Christmas two years ago and I can honestly say that it is
one of the best presents I have gotten. I use it all the time. It goes with me everywhere. This gift is great if you are looking for a gift for a TV fan like me. I have some music on there but I mostly use it to store movies and TV shows. I have ALL SEASONS of The Office on there, and some episodes of Scrubs, Grey’s and Lost. Some of my favorite movies are on there too, including 40 Year Old Virgin and Love and Basketball. I mean I use this thing all the time at work. I’ll pop the earbuds in and I’ll listen to my favorite episodes of La Oficina and I’ll just laugh while doing work. If you don’t have one of these wonders then you should definitely get one…especially since they are out with the cool new touch design.
Now, since I have given you guys all tips for good gifts this Christmas, here goes something that I want for Christmas (and I’m pretty sure Andrea wants this too). So if anyone feels inclined to give this to me, I will be indebted to you FOREVER. I’ve been a good girl this year, so please consider it! (My Christmas wish begins at the 0:50 mark and goes on to the end of the video. I know, I know, I'm gay...and apparently I'm a 14 year old fangirl, too)
1 comment:
that was hilarious!!!!! Oh, my goodness! I was dying laughing.
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