Friday, August 3, 2007


One thing that I love right now is the chop wizard. This thing is AWESOME! I don't know if you have all seen my demonstrations, but if you have you could have seen how much i love this product. It dices vegetable instantly with perfect cubes and little mess. If you don't have one, get one. Heck, get two. It'll make a great gift.


Eunice said...

Ah yes, but can it play DVD’s???

Andrea said...

It is awesome! I have one:) Wish I had two!! But it would be EVEN better if it did play DVD's!

Mark said...

I bought one not too long ago. It totally wreaks of awesomeness. I just wish it was bigger(TWSS)

TimaSue said...

Ahhhh the chop wizard is catching. I got one too (and actually bought 2 different kinds to see which brand I like better) The chop wizard wins!!!! Hurray for AS SEEN ON TV and INFOMERCIALS!!!! they rock!