We ordered some appeteezers and some pho. To tell you the truth, I couldn’t taste the difference. It was really good. The only difference between this place and the other place were the prices and the ambiance. The prices for the items here were about 1 or 2 bucks more than at the other place. We were all able to eat (drinks, appeteezers, and pho) for around $30. Not bad. We were paying for a nicer place and a faster waiter. I think you have to wait an hour at the other place before a waiter comes to give you refills or your bill.
All in all, I really liked this place. And how can you not like a place with a slogan like:
“Pho Ao Sen: Simply PHO’nomenal”
We are going to NYC over Memorial Day weekend, so we are planning to hit up some great restaurants over there, including a Vietnamese one that I read about, so I will be posting more pho goodness.
* I feel like I need to say that I am just kidding, in case someone who doesn’t know me reads this and thinks I’m a complete ass. My friends know I was just channeling my inner Michael Scott.