Matt and I watched the movie Once about a couple of months ago and I haven't been able to get it out of my head. It is a lovely little independent movie that deals with music, love and inspiration and was really beautifully shot. It is about meeting that person that inspires you to do more. This movie has a lot of music but is more than a musical. Confusing, right? What I mean by that is that the two main characters are musicians so we get to hear a lot of thier music but it's not a traditional musical where we hear the characters sing responses to each other which can get annoying. The way the music appears in this movie is really natural.
Speaking of the music in this movie, I have to say I loved it. About three weeks ago, Matt bought me the soundrack and I can't get enough of it. I have to admit, I'm a little obsessed with the soundtrack right now. It has beautiful songs such as the Oscar winning "Falling Slowly", which I must say, it was awesome to see them win. (Gotta love an Irish lad who says "Tanks!". I know he wasn't going for a joke there but it still made me laugh.) That isn't the only great song on the CD. The whole soundrack is a keeper. Some of my other favorites are "Lies", "If You Want Me", "Leave", "Say It To Me Now" and my personal favorite "You Must Have Fallen From the Sky".