I cannot express how excited I am for the fall tv season to be here. Gone are the dreary summer days of watching or ignoring shows like Big Brother. Frankly, I really don’t know what else was on tv this summer. That being said, I did use this summer to catch up on some great shows like 24 and Friday Night Lights and re-watch a certain other show which just happens to be the best show on tv but I’ll leave it at that.
Let me start by telling you guys which NEW shows I am looking forward to. I don’t know if you guys have heard about Chuck yet but I was really excited to watch this show. I have heard

great things about this show over the summer from different tv bloggers that got to watch the pilot many months ago. Matt and I watched it last night and we really enjoyed it. The show was pretty fab and full of witty moments and action sequences. I really liked the character of Chuck as he reminded me of a mixture of Seth Cohen and Jim Halpert, two of my most favorite characters on tv, which is probably what made him so adorbs to me. Some have compared it as Alias meets The Office. I don’t know about all that but I do know that it was funny and I will definitely be tuning in next week.
Other NEW shows I am anticipating are: Private Practice, Bionic Woman and the one I want to watch the most is Pushing Daisies. I haven’t seen any of these pilots yet, so I really can’t wait!
I know, I know you all must think I’m patheticville for getting so excited over something like

tv but I am REALLY excited for my returning shows. We watched Heroes last night and it was
great. Not many questions were answered but the premiere sure was a million times better than the finale. Oh, have I mentioned that I hated the finale? No? Okay, well I did. I decided to give this show an
other shot based on the otherwise great freshman season. So here’s hoping we get a great payoff at the end of the season. (I wish I was a hero. You know who’s a real hero? Hiro from Heroes. He’s a real hero.)
Now my most squee-worthy show that is coming back on: The Office. I could say so so much about this show and ramble on and on about how great it is but I won’t. You guys hear me say

it all the time. I will say that I have watched about six minutes of the premiere that came out yesterday and based on that, the premiere is going to be HILARIOUS and FANTABULOUS! Did I have any doubts? Not really. Greg Daniels wrote the premiere and well, that’s Greg Daniels. Yup, the same Greg Daniels that just a week ago won an Emmy for best writing in a comedy for The Office (although all of the writers are really really good at what they do. I am a huge fan of the writers, you might even call me a writer’s groupie. Ah, to be a fly on the wall in the writers room…one of my dreams. Ok back to the blog). Anyways, one-hour season premiere this Thursday at 8pm Phoenix time. Am I excited? Yes! Am I very excited? Yes! Extremely excited? No. Oh, only very? That’s cool too. Psyche! I am EXTREMELY excited!
Other RETURNING shows I am looking forward to: Desperate Housewives, How I Met Your Mother, 30 Rock, Scrubs, Friday Night Lights.
So what returning and new shows are you most excited for?