NBC posted a frakktastic promo for the upcoming season on Youtube and I just had to post it! I am speechless. I have no speech. This is emotionally magnificent! I guess I should put a SPOILER ALERT for those of you who don't want to be spoiled on the upcoming season but let me just tell you that this clip is so worth it. And don't worry, it doesn't include anything about what the premiere is about, just a bunch of talking heads on what everyone did on their summer vacations. I have two favorite talking heads. One is Karen's talking head (you will know why it is my favorite, I just wish I had a visual to go with it) and my other favorite is Ryan's talking head. I busted out laughing when he said he thinks he used to date a black girl in Scranton. Ha! Poor Kelly. Wait, I take that back. I have more than two favorite talking heads because they were all so hilarious and could Jim and Pam be any cuter?! How many more days until September 27th? Here's to new beginnings and to Karen's crying ass being dumped by a fountain in NYC.
P.S. I want to send a special THANK YOU to Andrea for being the best GD friend I can ask for. You were a lifesaver today! That was just A-MA-ZING! Just for that, I will have to take you to watch Ratatouille and Y Tu Mama Tambien (pronounced Why Tu Mama Tambien) which of course means throw momma from the tambien ;o)
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Monday, August 27, 2007

Ahhhh as of 0530 I finally finished season 2 of LOST. It has been a suspenseful 2+ weeks as I went through the seasons 1&2 (thank you E). I can't believe they spent a good amount of time just sitting on my desk waiting to be watched. Once I started, I was hooked. I was a little unnerved flying last week worried I was going to end up on some island without finishing the season I had started. And there were a few episodes in season 1 that I watched with the light on. The finale from season 2 did have me on the edge of my chair. Michael sucks! I have so many questions....so few answers..... Well now I have a long 4 months to wait until season 3 is out on DVD so I can have another mini marathon so that I'm caught up. Oh well, back to waiting another couple of weeks until my fall shows are up and running.
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Does This Remind You of Someone?
When I saw this a couple of weeks ago, I knew I just had to post it. I can’t quite put my finger on it but in this picture, Ed Helms (Andy) reminds me of someone I know. Hmmm, I wonder who it could be….I swear, I thought I knew someone who had that same problem. I think his name is Mave or maybe Tave…Eff, I just can’t remember ;o)
I don't mean to make fun of my friend's misfortune, but I must admit, that was kinda funny. We're not laughing at you, we're laughing with you.
I don't mean to make fun of my friend's misfortune, but I must admit, that was kinda funny. We're not laughing at you, we're laughing with you.
Along the same subject, those newbies running with Matt in the San Jose Marathon might want to invest in some nip band-aids so that this doesn’t happen to them.
Nipgurads (10 pair)
Price: $8.95
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Matt's Ricky Gervais Dance
Since my last post talked about Rick Gervais, I figured I'd post the David Brent dance that he does in the BBC Office. This is going out to those of you who were in Rocky Point and were wondering what the heck Matt was doing when he was dancing drunk. Here is his inspiration:
I wish Matt would have done the whole thing including sound effects but I guess we'll all have to settle for the little part that he did for us. Thanks Matthew Brent!
Matt's David Brent Dance
Price: A Couple of Shots of Jagermeister
Rocky Point, Mexico
I wish Matt would have done the whole thing including sound effects but I guess we'll all have to settle for the little part that he did for us. Thanks Matthew Brent!
Matt's David Brent Dance
Price: A Couple of Shots of Jagermeister
Rocky Point, Mexico
My love for anything and everything that Ricky Gervais and Steven Merchant do has no bounds. These guys are comedic geniuses and are groundbreakers when it comes to situational comedies that are cringe-worthy and uncomfortable.
Extras is no exception to this. This is one of those shows that I was glad was on HBO because they couldn’t have gotten away with half of the stuff they did if this aired on regular tv. Each episode has cameos with great actors such as Kate Winslet, Ben Stiller, Orlando Bloom and Robert De Niro to name a few. These guest actors do some of the funniest/raunchiest things that I never would have thought they would do. I won’t go too much into the storylines so as not to give away too much but this show is a must watch. As is with all Gervais-Merchant comedies, this show is only two seasons long with each season being six episodes. Andrea is in the middle of watching season 1 and I believe she is loving it too. Since I Netflixed it, I am going to have to go out and buy these two seasons so I can enjoy it all over again!
I will be forever indebted to Gervais and Merchant for being responsible for my current love and obsession. Although the Dawesome Greg Daniels and crew sure took my obsession to a whole new level, they could have never done it if it wasn’t for the original. I can’t wait to see what Gervais and Merchant come out with next!
"Are you having a laugh?"
Extras S1 or S2
Price: $23.99
I will be forever indebted to Gervais and Merchant for being responsible for my current love and obsession. Although the Dawesome Greg Daniels and crew sure took my obsession to a whole new level, they could have never done it if it wasn’t for the original. I can’t wait to see what Gervais and Merchant come out with next!
"Are you having a laugh?"
Extras S1 or S2
Price: $23.99
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Puerto Penasco

Water fun!

Okay, so not having a pool is kind of a bummer......I've lasted almost 2 years without one. I recently rejoined a gym to go swim....& to do WATER AEROBICS! It's so much fun and an awesome workout. (no more guilty feelings when I indulge in some cold stone yumminess) I used to take the class @ ASU and missed not being able to when I was in nursing school. So hello water, I'm back!
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Civic Duty

So the government finally caught up with me.....it was time to report for my civic duty. I had never been summoned before for jury duty, and I've known people who've been asked multiple times. So new experience for me, and yea it got me out of work 2 nights this week.
I had to report to the Municipal Court in downtown Phx, not too bad of a setup. Traffic was so-so, big plus that it was only 20 min from my house. The person going over the agenda for the day said the court was not a felony court, but misdemeanor, which made an average trial length 1-3 days if not less since a lot gets settled before going to trial, not too bad if by chance I couldn't get out of it. They had the assembly room designed for comfort (of sorts) while we waited to see if we got selected. They had breakfast food available, had movies and television, wireless internet capability (although I forgot the laptop, but now I'll know for future), had a reading room with jigsaw puzzles, and an hour and a half lunch hour designed into the agenda for the day.
The day started out with the token movie about "what an honor it is to be asked to serve", very cheesy, didn't have me won over and I fall for the infomercials. After they explained the selection process we just hung out. The first movie I watched was National Treasure. Then I listened to my ipod and read a book while they played the news/Good Morning AZ, and then wandered into the "quiet" room and worked on a 550 piece puzzle.
They called for jury panels (the people who actually make it to the courtroom to see the judge/lawyers and either get chosen to sit on the jury or return to the assembly room) 4 times. The first three I didn't make the random list. I was called for the fourth panel, but then the case ended up pleading out before we even made it to the courtroom. So it was 230 and they dismissed our panel for the rest of the day. Yea! Good thing I would hate to get stuck up in a trial that would hinder our vacation weekend. And now I'm a better American for it. :-) Free for the next 18 months!!!
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
I don’t think anyone could have expressed my love for Advil better than BJ Novak:
The Skittles of Painkillers
Why are Advil so fucking delicious?
It makes me look forward to my next headache.
They should come out with “Minimum Strength” so that we could take six or eight of them at a time instead of just two.
Ditto that, my brotha. Ditto that.
Price: $15.25 (325 tablets)
BJ Novak
Price: Priceless
Friday, August 3, 2007
Will Ferrell at the ESPY's
I heard that this years ESPY's awards was really funny so I was looking for some clips on the internet and fount this from last year.
Will Ferrell At The ESPYs - Watch more free videos
Will Ferrell At The ESPYs - Watch more free videos

One thing that I love right now is the chop wizard. This thing is AWESOME! I don't know if you have all seen my demonstrations, but if you have you could have seen how much i love this product. It dices vegetable instantly with perfect cubes and little mess. If you don't have one, get one. Heck, get two. It'll make a great gift.
Bloggity Blog

Happy Friday to all my bloggers. This is my first post to the site, and its going to be a quick one. Things have been so busy with work, school and my social life ;) Wedding plans are coming along quickly, which is good, because we havent much time left! Anyway, the purpose of the blog is to keep everyone posted so we can all be on the up and up about whats going on in our lives. I'll start off today by telling you some of my likes and maybe tomorrow you'll get to hear more.
So, to get you all started on this little voyage I share with you my guilty pleasure for cars. I love me a Mercedez-Benz anyday. Although I will have to wait for a 2008 or 2009 model which is even better than the existing 2007. Check out www.mbusa.com for more photos on the new model.
I love to run too...This picture is from our last 1/2 marathon (PF Changs 2007)
Love Kathy Griffin, she has a great show, and its not pricey, if you ever get the chance, watch her! she is a riot and she talks about current issues and people.
So, I hope you've enjoyed my post for the day...post more later.
What I’m feeling…literally

On a happier note I thought I would share that I’m really feeling the new Enrique cd, Insomniac. I actually didn’t buy it, Dave did, but I snatched it up as soon as I had the chance to listen to it. It’s a really-really good cd. I like listening to it at work, it has a perfect mix of slow and up beat tempos and it's just enough to get me through the day! Who doesn't need that right??
I also love Kathy Griffin, she is hands down one of the funniest female comics out there. She's zany and even funnier in person! Having seen her in Tucson a couple weeks ago was such a treat and boy is she brutally honest. She talked about everyone from Paris Hilton to Oprah to Paula Abdul, it was hilarious!!! I can guarantee that the next time she comes to Arizona we’ll be there!!
That's it for now, but don't forget to check back for more of our faves and our re-cap of our vacation in Rocky Point (hello I sooo can't wait for this!!) and definitely be on the look out for some stuff regarding our favorite show The Office.
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